Know Your Value, Build Industry Respect, & Run Your Business Like A True business owner!


Next Round Starts September 2020


*payment plans available


I say, that it is time that we show up for ourselves. 

Virtual Assistants are the lifeblood of online entrepreneurship. VAs are  the first to be called on when there is a problem or when there is a project to take to the finish line. 

VAs give endlessly our gifts, opinions, and support to the business owners that we partner with.

We spend immeasurable time giving and showing up for others!

I say, that it is time that we show up for ourselves. 

We deserve to do work that we love.

Work that makes us feel like we are contributing to something meaningful where our opinions are not only requested but relied on. 

We deserve to partner with business owners of integrity & impact.

There are high achieving business owners waiting to find us but first we have to find ourselves.




Undeniable Contributions

& when this happens we will work with the best and set the standard that should be treated as the best. 

All of this depends on us being able to establish our name and value on the strength of our authority in the Virtual Assistant Industry.

Do you ever question how one VA can make  $50/hr while the other makes $15/hr?

It’s not talent. 

It’s not “experience”.

It’s not a software. 

Believe it or not ...


That’s right! The missing ingredient to our businesses taking off and earning what we should is respect for self and the respect that the business owner has for us and our business.

-If we show up only when we feel like it. 

-If we change our specialty every time we figure out something new that we like. 

-If we allow business owners to pick apart our packages. 

-If we know that we are undercharging for our work but continue to allow it. 

There is no way that we can say that we have respect for ourselves and neither will  future clients. 

If we truly want to break out of the cycle of underearning and be THOSE  Virtual Assistants.

Or what I call Anti Cliche Virtual Assistants we have to establish respect in and for our businesses or better yet…


So lets talk about how we do this in the Anti Cliche VA Mastermind…



This mastermind is designed to take each VA through the process of going from a freelancer and a contractor to an OWNER.

We start by establishing exactly who you are and the value that you bring inside of your air tight niche!

You will move through this program with the confidence to charge your worth, set boundaries, and establish your name in the online streets. 

We don’t just talk about it we are about it. 

Each week as you define your area of specialty you will also be tasked with growing inside of your skill set. 

We don’t just claim our worth. We earn our worth. 

We will work together to develop sales skills that will help you to…

 act with strategy VS emotion

Negotiate with fact VS feeling

& close with confidence VS cowardice

Each VA in this program graduates with a rate of $25+

(and that’s just the MINIMUM requirement!)

& that’s not all! Each VA moves on with a working knowledge of passive income streams like affiliate commissions, digital products, and consulting so that every member is well versed in how to SECURE THE BAG their way!

*payment plans available

Our Experience


We will spend 8 Weeks together Masterminding

This is where we will meet weekly for lesson and where you will build priceless connections with the other VAs that will become your sisters. 

_ACVA Web BREAK- Retreat.png

After the 8 Weeks in Mastermind we will spend 4 days at a private destination.

relaxation, recovery, & restoration

By this time you will have developed your specialty and evolved into the CEO you are meant to be.

In these 4 Days we will recharge before hitting the ground running with your NEW business strategies.

Oh I forgot to mention!

You get immediate access to The Ultimate VA Bundle when your enrollment is accepted. 

This bundle includes classes from my most successful programs!

-The Power Pitch Mastermind

-I’m Booked Baby Series

& recordings from ALL past cohorts of The Anti Cliche VA Mastermind!

As you are in the mastermind our team is gathering entrepreneurs that need your support!

Our Entrepreneur Connect Program starts on Week 7 of the mastermind!

This means that before you finish the program there will likely be a client waiting for you. 

We strive to match entrepreneurs based on needs, pricepoint, and desire for support!

Upon completion of the program your profile will be added to our Anti Cliche VA Directory!

Can you tell that this program is designed to help you to uplevel in every way?!


*payment plans available

Let’s hear it from some BOSSY women who have graduated from the Anti Cliche VA Mastermind!




Will The Anti Cliche VA Mastermind work for me if I don’t have alot of clients?

Yes, that is the exact reason I would tell you to join. The Mastermind is designed to help you to get clients while increasing your industry authority and income opportunities. If you don’t have clients yet its not entirely because you need to re-brand and its definitely not because you need to lower your prices. You need strategy to establish a healthy business model.  We will be doing that inside of the mastermind!

Who will the Anti Cliche VA Mastermind work best for?

This mastermind was designed specifically for Virtual Assistants that already have established businesses but want to increase their reach while exhausting their income wheel. The best VAs for this program do not just want to observe the industry or sit in the shadows they want to SHAKE UP the industry. If that sounds like you and you are willing to put in the work. This mastermind is for you.

What if I am not technically a VA but I REALLY want to join?

Join then! It’s not uncommon for Online Business Managers, Project Managers, or Executive Assistants to join this program & succeed. To be honest, because I am teaching less about HOW to get the business started and more HOW to be successful after it you will do well.

I would like to start with the payment plan. How does it work?

The payment plan is pretty simple. You have until the start of the program to complete your payments for the program. I use a system that allows you to determine the best payment plan for you. 

You may want to pay $50 a week or 2 payments of $1500. Either way, it is up to you. 

I want to join & am working on pulling together the money. When should I apply?

You should apply ASAP before the next round expires. If you are accepted you will be invited to an interview where we will create a custom payment plan just for you!

A retreat?! Details Please!

The Anti Cliche VA yearly retreat will be held at a private on Thursday October 29th- Sunday November 1st those accepted into the program will receive additional details. SO APPLY NOW!